RELATIONSHIPS: Sometimes You Have to Walk Away


There are times when we go through rough patches in our lives. Most of the times it seems as though every thing, every problem, every wrong word, every protection of ourselves is magnified negatively because we follow Christ. We all tend to get a little nostalgic around the Christmas season. We have a feeling of good will towards men. We forget why we left relationships because we are so caught up in the season of happiness and joy.

I have found personally this is the season when I am attacked by the enemy the most. When I am attacked, it is always through a person that at some point I had a relationship or friendship with. The enemy likes to knock us off kilter and make us say and do things that makes us look like we are not following the footsteps of Christ. The enemy is always seeking those out who have a closer relationship with God and those who have someone in their past that they have fallen out of relationship with.

We all do at some point.

We don't live in a bubble.

We aren't completely protected from bad things just because we are following Jesus.

So how are we as Christ followers supposed to act when the enemy pits a person of our past against us? How are we supposed to just 'Let it Go and Let God'? I will tell you that it is easier said than done!

In my own personal life, recently I had just an occasion and it gave me a moment of pause and reflection. This person hurt me tremendously over and over again which is why I had to end the relationship to begin with. Every year it seems to bring another attack on me through mutual people that we know.

It seems that I try to let it go and it keeps being shoved in my face. This person at one time was as close to me as a person can get as a friend and confidant. We did life together. We helped each other out of jams. We saw past each other’s flaws and grew into a very deep friendship.

I was introduced to God somewhere along our journey. I had grown up my entire life hearing about God and never knowing Him. I watched the love and kindness my grandparents poured out to everyone, even strangers at the grocery store and knew I wanted to be like them. After I was introduced to Christ...I met Christ and was saved by Christ. After my salvation, it didn't seem as though my life had changed much.

I then began being hungered for His Word. I studied. I prayed even though I didn't really know how to. I slowly began to become a different person seeking the Presence of God and a relationship with Him.

I began a different lifestyle and existence. I wanted more from my life than what had been offered to me so far. In scripture, it tells me that Jesus is my friend, that HE calls you and I “friend”.

"Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knows not what the master does: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you." John 15:15

I began to see stark differences in my life and that of my friend. I began to see how badly I was being treated over and over again and more and more often. The closer I grew to God the further she pushed me away. She lived a lifestyle that I didn't want to be around any longer, lest I stumble and fall.

I was not going to hide or dim my Light around her because it made her uncomfortable. I let my lifestyle be the judge and it annoyed her. She didn't really want to be around me either, which meant we sought each other out less and less. I wanted God and I wanted godly friendships. I didn't want to go back to what I had been and the things that God had already delivered me from. 

So, the final death knells began to sound in my heart. I was no longer willing to hang onto something that was NO LONGER BENEFICIAL TO MY WALK WITH THE LORD. Because of this decision, I was called judgmental. Actually it was the Word washing me and cleansing me and growing me in my walk.

This pruning wasn't easy for me, it hurt me terribly to walk away from a friendship that I had worked so hard to cultivate and grow. I had spent years making sure that it was as healthy as it could be.

The Lord wanted me to walk away from it.

To walk away from that lifestyle and walk away from people that weren't sold out for Jesus.

It was rough. I mourned as though she had died. I let her go.

However, the enemy won't allow that shattered friendship to rest in the grave where it belongs. The enemy digs it up and tries to breathe life into the same offense, but fails because HE CAN'T GIVE LIFE TO ANYTHING.

The enemy blames God. The person that the enemy is using is judging me for thinking I am judging her.

The enemy does sneak attacks.

The enemy accuses.

The enemy will try every tactic he possibly can to keep us focused on what is swirling around, the lies being spoken about us and will try his best to sew discord in the life of believers. Especially at Christmas time, when we are supposed to be full of joy and goodwill as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. His goal is to try and SNATCH OUR PEACE OF MIND and have us mad and focused on anger instead of the goodness of God.

As these new accusations swirled around me, in a very public forum. I paused. I paused because they weren't just attacks against me but another follower of Christ that was trying to leave the old lifestyle behind and walk in the newness of Christ.

I paused because I was sad.

I paused because I was hurt.

I paused because that is what we should do before we respond to anything.

I also reflected.

I reflected on past hurts and old attacks.

I reflected on the lies that the enemy was telling.

I reflected on the person who obviously has never healed or forgiven, but has held on to a grudge.

This grudge has become a poison. It is deep and deadly.

I reflected because it’s something you should do before you move forward in response.

I didn't respond to her personally, but I did respond with praises for God.

He is responsible for all the good things that happened in my life. He is responsible for my salvation, my sanctification and will be responsible for my glorification when I get to Heaven. He CALLED ME OUT OF DARKNESS and called me to walk upright and in the Light. To walk in obedience to His Word.

I praise. That is how I get through the rough times. I praise Him.

I praise Him for the good and the bad things that happen to me.

I praise Him because I can mentally and emotionally suffer for His glory.

I praise Him because He helped me walk away,

He helped me let go and He helped me to honor His Name with how I live my life.

I don't always get it right, I mess up and I fail, I lash out at times and I get enraged at things...but I try to pause... I try to reflect... I try to be obedient to His Word and then I praise Him.

* As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.* Joshua 24:15


Rachel McManus

Rachel is wife to Preston and mother of three. She resides in the Montgomery/Conroe area and is a contributing blogger at Grand Central Church.